Diversity in Contracts

SMWVBE (Small, Minority, Woman, Veteran Business Enterprises)



Use the featured directories to search for a listing of SMWVBEs or contact the Diversity in Contracts program for help in identifying suppliers for inclusion.

Feel free to contact Diversity in Contracts at any time to obtain a list of potential businesses. Allow 2-3 days for response and include your supplier criteria, scope of work, and deadline with your request.

Disclaimer: Procurement Services does not maintain a list of “approved suppliers.” Each department is encouraged to evaluate each supplier according to its own satisfaction. Review suppliers’ past work, references, and pricing prior to selection. Procurement buyers can assist as far as searching cooperative contracts and existing annual contracts for use with particular purchases.

Ambassador Agreement with the State of Florida’s Office of Supplier Diversity

Florida State Minority Supplier Development Council

Office of Supplier Diversity – State of Florida

Orange County Minority Vendor Database

Contact procurement@ucf.edu for FSMSDC login and password.