IT Resource Equipment
Information technology (IT) resource equipment is computer equipment that falls under the category of microcomputers, minicomputers, mainframes, standalone systems or those integrated into any part of computer equipment, and peripherals any of the above.
The Vice President for Information Technology and CIO must approve all information technology resource acquisitions over $20,000. The President on behalf of the Board of Trustees must approve all information technology acquisitions over $500,000.
Departments should contact the Technology Product Center (TPC) for the latest information on standard configurations that can lead to significant cost savings for the university.
The procedure for IT resource equipment purchases depends on the resource being purchased and the dollar value.
- All IT resources with a value over $20,000 require the Information Resource Request (IRR) form be approved by the Vice President for Information Technology and CIO.
- Orders under the $20,000 can be processed directly through the Technology Product Center (TPC) or Procurement Services, with the exception of wired and wireless network equipment.
- All wired and wireless network equipment which must be processed through the UCF IT Telecommunications department for review and approval, regardless of dollar amount, to ensure interoperability with the university’s network.
Departments completing a TPC or purchase requisition must complete the IRR form for purchases over $20,000 prior to purchase. Requisitions over $75,000 require vice presidential approval in addition to the IRR form.
When all necessary approvals have been received by the department, a copy of the requisition and accompanying documentation can be forwarded to the appropriate department for processing. University procurement standards will apply (e.g., competition requirements, contract adoption procedures, etc.).
The RITM number from the IRR ServiceNow ticket must be included on the purchase order. If a change order is needed for a purchase order with an existing IRR, departments will need to reference the existing RITM number on the change order.